2017 is the Year of the Garage!

Another year comes to a close and, without even trying, we find ourselves setting goals and making resolutions.  We set goals for our self-care, personal relationships, families, careers and our homes.  We assess what is great and we vow to improve what is not so great.  Ask yourself as you take a look around your home and set your improvement goals for next year, what’s the most congested, under-utilized living space in your home?  Which room is the catch all for clutter, storage and mess?  Which room has the largest square feet and the least amount of utilization?  We’re going to wager a guess that the answer is your garage, and that’s why Global Garage Flooring & Design is proud to announce that it’s time for a change.  2017 is the Year of the Garage!

Another year comes to a close and, without even trying, we find ourselves setting goals and making resolutions.  We set goals for our self-care, personal relationships, families, careers and our homes.  We assess what is great and we vow to improve what is not so great.  Ask yourself as you take a look around your home and set your improvement goals for next year, what’s the most congested, under-utilized living space in your home?  Which room is the catch all for clutter, storage and mess?  Which room has the largest square feet and the least amount of utilization?  We’re going to wager a guess that the answer is your garage, and that’s why Global Garage Flooring & Design is proud to announce that it’s time for a change.  2017 is the Year of the Garage!

The average garage tends to be dirty and unorganized, treated like an afterthought.  Which, if you think about it, makes zero sense!  You see the garage every day as you enter and leave, the most expensive equipment in your home is housed here.  Which is exactly why the current trend has Michigan homeowner’s hiring Global Garage Flooring and Design of SE Michigan to reinvent their garage interiors. 

Global Garage Flooring and Design offers a 3-component system designed to completely transform the interior of your garage.  Choose all three at once or add them one at a time depending on your budget, our Global Garage design experts will work with you to help you achieve the garage of your dreams.

Step 1 – Garage Flooring

Untreated concrete floors are a garages worst enemy.  They trap dust and stains and even if you organize your belongings they still make the overall space feel drab and dirty.  Global Garage concrete coatings are the best coatings for your garage floor.  Available in a wide variety of colors and textures, our flooring system is the first step in transforming your garage interior.  Our custom polyaspartic blend leaves the floor smooth, polished and dust-free while offering protection against future spills and climate changes. 

Step Two – Cabinet Storage

The next step to your garage overhaul is making space to store your stuff.  Time to remove the clusters and stacks for good by installing storage cabinets.  Global Garage cabinets are customizable for your space and available in the latest colors and finishes to match your home.  They are spacious and provide room for all your stuff.  Not only can you park the cars inside now, with everything neatly stored there’s extra room for a craft center or a play area. 

"Cabinets and Vertical Storage"
Cabinets and Vertical Storage

Step Three – Vertical Storage

Now it’s time to maximize your garage interior and bring your storage capacity to its fullest potential by installing vertical storage wallboard.  Global Garage Storage Solutions are a fantastic way to store tools out of reach of little ones, organize sports and utility equipment and guarantee that the floor stays debris free.  Available in matching colors, these wall systems finish the look of your garage interior and complete the design of your home.

We look forward to meeting garages old and new in 2017.  Be the first neighbor on your block to jump on the newest trend!  Contact Global Garage Flooring and Design of SE Michigan today for a free estimate! globalgarageflooring.com/SEMichigan

"Garage Flooring and Cabinets"
Garage Flooring and Cabinets


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