San Antonio, Tx- Rediscovering your garage has long been a “thing” here in SA, and this week was no different. However, we’re not just focused on garage floors, we also helped a lovely lady rediscover her patio this week The week began in a very nice neighborhood on the west side, slightly past Sea World. The gentleman had just built a new house, we had done a previous house of his and he loved the floor so he had to have us back to his new house! German Brown Trout was the chip color of choice for our friend, about 9 out of 10 people down here will choose that color. As I’ve said before it just fits so so well with the colors of houses, every once in awhile we’ll do one of our other 6 colors, but the majority of the time, ole German Brown Trout gets the job done. As I said earlier, we don’t just do garage floors, this week we were also in Boerne, Tx to help a lovely lady, who’s garage floor we had done a couple months ago. She wanted her patios done in Quartz. Quartz is a very neat product, it’s almost a colorful sand, it provides wonderful texture, we’ve never done a garage floor in it, we’ve only used it for outdoor surfaces, around pools, patios, and skirts. Our job in Boerne was no exception, we did two patios in Evening, a gray color of quartz. We don’t do quartz that often, but it comes out just as wonderful as chipped floors, and these patios were no exception. Y’all have a great week, we’ll catch up with y’all next week, help us help you rediscover your garage!

All About Custom Inlays for Garage Floors
If you are already set on epoxy concrete flooring for your garage but have a custom idea in mind, then you’re in luck. Today, we